Green Week Berlin
Medienkunstinstallation “Vertical Gardens” auf der Grünen Woche Berlin 17.1.-26.1.2014
Botschaft des Königreichs der Niederlande in Berlin, Deutschland
This entry was posted on Monday, January 27th, 2014 at 12:01. It is filed under Stage Design and tagged with Ambassy of Netherlands, Berlinerfahrradschau, Connecting cities, Gahrens Battermann, Grüne Woche, Holländische Botschaft, Illumination, Königreich der Niederlande, Lightshow, Mediafacades, Medien-Installation, Memetics, Messe Berlin, Mise en lumiere, Partnerland Niederlande, Patrick Blanc, Projection Mapping, Projection Monumentale, Public Art Lab, Son&Lumiere, Tonwelt, Veloberlin, Vertical Garden, Vertical Gardens, Verticalgardendesign.
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